Born in Bonn in 1995 and grown up in Berlin. Graduated from Friedensburg Oberschule in Berlin in 2014, followed by FSJ and a job there. Moved to Bremen in 2017 — initially for a discontinued sociology degree before turning to my real passion: graphic design. Bachelors degree at the University of the Arts followed by a Masters degree at the HfK Bremen as part of the Studio Kultur und Identität.

During this time, I gained professional experience working as a tutor for Prof. Andrea Rauschenbusch, Prof. Beat Brogle and Prof. Kai Lehmann. In addition, working as a freelancer with commissions in Bremen’s cultural sector and a wide range of clients, such as the Zentrum für Kollektivkultur e.V., MS Treue, FARM Unternehmenskommunikation and the Hochschule für Künste Bremen.
